Why you can trust Xploro

Content for ChildrenXploro is designed with children in mind so we’ve been careful to make sure everything your child will see and read when using the app can be understood by them. In doing this we have focussed on creating content suitable for 8 to 14 year olds though children either side of these ages will also find the app of value.

Medical ContentAll medical content in Xploro is checked, verified and validated by qualified clinicians to ensure its accuracy and that it meets the needs of users. This process is repeated every 12 - 36 months as a minimum and sooner when new treatments, procedures, technologies or understandings become available.

Sensitive QuestionsWe recognise that some information or questions your child may ask, might not be appropriate for us to deal with. In these cases Xploro will suggest to them that they should speak to a trusted adult such as their parent, guardian or health professional.

Child’s DataProtection of your child’s data is taken very seriously. Xploro works within the bounds of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by minimising the data we ask for, having technical measures in place to protect it, and destroying all data in a timely manner once they stop using the app.