The Xploro outpatient surgery module helps children understand what to expect when they have a minor operation. From their first point of contact on arrival to what happens in the recovery room, Xploro helps demystify the experience.

Content includes:

Surgery prep, induction, recovery and aftercare; the operating room and recovery room; staff avatars of the surgeon, surgical scheduler and anesthetist; and chatbot specialist knowledge.

Arrival experience

The child watches their avatar friend as they check in at the clinic and wait patiently for their appointment. Following interactive pre-op checks and measures, they meet their operating room team and change into a hospital gown.


The child’s avatar friend explains anesthesia techniques. They see them lying on a hospital bed with the anesthesia machine and face mask.


Before they know it, the avatar is in a recovery room explaining to the child who is likely to be there, and what to expect after surgery.

Supporting content

Xploro’s day surgery clinic in the hospital rooms section of the app reveals what a patient can expect to see in a typical clinic. They can examine equipment, see staff going about their duties and get a first glimpse of what the operating room looks like.

In addition our IV experience goes into further detail about how an IV catheter is placed ahead of anesthesia, and the Xploro chatbot answers more specific questions children might have.