Xploro’s Sleep Studies module helps by reducing the anxiety experienced by young patients when they take part in a study. A storybook, a game and 3D models of the sleep clinic all combine to provide the patient with detailed information about what’s going to happen prior to coming into the center. They meet the Sleep Physiologist and their Xploro Buddy answers any questions they might have.
The module was developed in collaboration with the team at Evelina London Sleep Study Service (part of Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust) and is currently the subject of a Quality Improvement Study.
What’s going to happen?
In our interactive storybook the patient’s Xploro Buddy visits a sleep studies center. The Xploro Buddy guides them through everything that will happen from arriving for the study through to discharge. All the while, the buddy’s grown-up is with them, reflecting a real life sleep study.
The patient learns about different types of study including Respiratory Polygraphy, Nocturnal Polysomnography and Multiple Sleep Latency studies.
They can interact with the different types of equipment and learn what to do if a sensor falls off. When their Xploro Buddy goes to sleep they can see what happens in the control room.

Visiting the Sleep Studies Center
A 3D augmented reality model of the center helps to familiarize the patient with the environment before they come into hospital. They can interact with objects to find out what they do and explore the different rooms in the clinic.
The model can be customized to match the environment in your facility.

Play ‘Sensor Shuffle’
Sensor Shuffle is a fun game that reinforces the importance of keeping the sensors connected. In the game you are the Head of Security in a Gallery. Use your best logic skills to re-connect the Gallery’s broken sensors and get the Gallery’s security system working again.