Exploring new ways to support adolescent, mental health patients

Birmingham Children’s Hospital is teaming up with Xploro to explore ways of improving support for adolescent mental health patients.

With the financial backing of NIHR Devices for Dignity, NIHR CYP MedTech, and the Hospital, Xploro will conduct a feasibility study to determine how they can extend their platform to older children and young adults.

The study will involve interviewing patients, families, and healthcare professionals to identify common problems young people face when approaching mental health treatment and expressing their needs.

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The Hospital will then commission Xploro to develop age-appropriate content to help address these issues and support patients. The project will conclude with the delivery of a hi-fidelity prototype to the Hospital.

Dom Raban, Xploro’s Founder and CEO, said, “NIHR Devices for Dignity’s remit to focus on developing tech solutions which address the clinical needs of overlooked chronic health conditions sits well with Xploro’s mission to provide health information to young people. This discovery exercise has the potential to open the doors of additional levels of support for adolescents as they navigate their healthcare journey.”