What do you do at Xploro?

I’m an ideator and an activator so I think a lot about strategy and then kick off ideas that will help us get there. I leave it to the rest of the team to make those ideas a reality.

What do you enjoy most about working at Xploro?

I love it when we get feedback from patients and parents. It’s amazing hearing how Xploro has helped children through their treatment.

I also love the work we’re doing with World Child Cancer — putting Xploro in the hands of children in low and middle income countries.

What does a typical day look like for you?

One of the great things about Xploro is no day is the same! However most days involve a lot of meetings — with investors, customers, prospects and the Xploro team. I get up early and, if I’m not out walking the dog, I’ll be at my desk by 7am.

As we work a lot in The States I usually don’t finish meetings until 7.30 or 8.00pm UK time so it’s a long day — but I love it.

What was your background before joining Xploro?

I started out as a designer and I’ve run design and digital agencies for the last 30 years. But it was my daughter’s cancer diagnosis in 2011 that led me to set up Xploro as I could see the impact that a lack of information had on her.

Read Issy’s story here to understand what inspired Dom to dream up Xploro and help other children, just like her.

Xploro's CEO Dom Raban, smiling.

Team Xploro

Meet the rest of the Xploro team and find out what makes them tick. From creatives to strategists, you can see the whole team here and connect with them on LinkedIn.

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